> This just arrived at my newserver: > ... > I find that very curious because the post is mine but which I > sent out with these headers: > ... > The timezone on the date header has changed, the subject has been > truncated, the Path and injection info is all different, and most > crucially, the MESSAGE-ID and REFERENCES are completely bogus.
This news server has caused a number of problems. I think the Python postmasters have squelched anything coming through mail.python.org which involves bbs.nz. Most recently, in response to your message, a filter was added to the gate_news program which drops any messages from the Usenet world involving "bbs.nz". I'm not sure it will help if you live solely on the news side of things, though perhaps it will keep loops between mail and news from developing. I would imagine that borking the Message-ID header would be one way to generate message loops. Skip -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list