I am a new Python user and using "Installation of Camelot" site
I have python 3.7 64bit and Anaconda installed
site states
The easiest way to install Camelot is to install it with conda, which is a
package manager
and environment management system for the Anaconda distribution.

The dependencies Tkinter and ghostscript can be installed
using your system’s package manager. You can run one of the following,
based on your OS.
anaconda navigator shows I have TK installed but is it Tkinter?
then I did with Juypter
$ apt install python3-tk ghostscript
  File "<ipython-input-4-9407aab9ee3b>", line 1
    $ apt install python3-tk ghostscript
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
what am I missing?
any help will be appreciated

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