Hi folks, Something broke in my Python installation in the past two or three days. I'm working in Ubuntu 19.10 and Python 3.7, without virtual environments.
I have two modules of Python source code that I am developing. I regularly change this code and "distribute" it to myself using setuptools. From the command prompt in the module's base folder, I execute: python3 setup.py sdist sudo python3 setup.py install That process has been working for me for years. But after recent rebuilds, when I try to import those modules today, I get ModuleNotFoundErrors for each of them. I tried importing other modules that were installed by pip3. They work fine. I looked in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages. The one thing that is unique to my two packages is the .egg extension at the end of the file names. Oddly, one of the two modules is a single .egg archive file, and the other is a normal folder with folders inside it, despite the .egg extension in the name. A third package of mine which I did not build recently appears as a normal sub-folder within dist-packages, and it imports correctly. What is setuptools supposed to do? Why has its behavior apparently changed? Hope someone can offer some advice. Thanks. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list