On Sat, 4 Apr 2020, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

I'm not sure I fully understand it, because a "module" is not defined in the language of tkinter.


True, but it is in Python: a file ending in .py which, in this case,
contains a class of tkinter widgets.

Is it correct, you want to know how to place more than one widget - a
arrangement of widgets - onto a notebook tab?

Yes, as they are defined and laid out in separate files/modules.

This is achieved by a ttk.Frame() widget, which holds all the other stuff, and then you place the frame onto the notebook:

# put all your stuff into f1
n.add(f1, text="Module1")
# repeat for your other "modules"

This looks to me like it's adding the text, "Module1" to the tab.


nb = ttk.Notebook(Main)
    page3 = ttk.Frame(nb)
    # add titles to tabs
    nb.add(page3, text='Biota')

This puts the text on each notebook tab, correct?

If so, how do I add

class BiotaDataForm(Tk.Frame):

which defines all the widgets in the module in views/biota.py into the body
of the notebook's page3?




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