> On Mar 16, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Irv Kalb <i...@furrypants.com> wrote: > > This is for anyone who teaches Python and uses the Canvas Learning Management > System (maybe a small group). > > I teach Python at two colleges in Silicon Valley in California. At both > schools we use Canvas. Overall, it works very well. I use it to post notes, > sample programs, build tests, post homework, and correct homework assignment. > > > However, there is a problem (bug!) when I give feedback on student's homework > assignments. I often give feedback by writing small snippets of code to > explain what a student has done wrong, or how something could be done better. > The problem is that in the feedback section for homework assignments, Canvas > eliminates any leading space characters. So, I might write: > > if x == y: > # do thing 1 > else: > # do thing 2 > > but when it gets posted and viewed by the student, it shows up as: > > if x == y: > # do thing 1 > else: > # do thing 2 > > Which obviously is very annoying to me, and not as helpful to the student. > > Knowing that this happens, I have started to write feedback using periods for > indenting: > > if x == y: > ....# do thing 1 > else: > ....# do thing 2 > > I have posted about this problem on the Canvas board, pointing out the > importance of leading spaces, but I've had no response. I also even wrote > the company through snail mail, and got no response. > > Question 1: Does anyone have any suggestions for indenting besides using > periods? > > Question 2: Does anyone know any other way to reach the appropriate > person(s) at Canvas to address this issue. > > Thanks, > > Irv > -- > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list >
Thanks to MRAB and Ethan for their quick responses. I like both suggestions, and will probably go with the non-breaking space (Option space on my Mac). I tested that and it works well. Irv -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list