As you probably already know, the Coronavirus is spreading throughout
Europe and we wanted to give you an update on our current plans around
on the situation.

We will update this blog post as new information becomes available:


   The number of cases in Ireland is still low compared to other
   countries, but the Irish government is already starting to put
   limited bans on larger indoor events.

   Since EuroPython is planned for July 20-26, we are hopeful that the
   situation will have improved by then and continue the conference
   planning with the aim of having the conference on the planned date.

   We would still like to ask all attendees to take the necessary and
   recommended hygienic precautions when attending the event and pay
   close attention to your country’s travel guidelines. If you don’t
   feel well, please do not attend the conference - instead, please
   follow the COVID-19 advice of the Irish Health Service. We will
   refund your ticket.

   Should the conference need to be canceled as a result of the
   official ban still being in effect in July, we will refund all
   tickets - even after the official refund cut-off date (June
   19th). We are in discussion with the venue to explore options in
   case the conference has to be canceled, which we will share with
   you soon as we have any update.

Because the situation is very much in flux, we would recommend that
you make booking arrangements with an option to cancel the booking
closer to the event date.


- Irish Governement: COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Advice

- Irish Health Service: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

- Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Overview (with daily updates)

- WHO: Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)

- Irish Department of Foreign Affairs: Travel Advice

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team


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