NAND KISHORE wrote at 2020-3-10 20:20 -0500:
>   We have requirement where we need to get file from client path and then
>upload the same to vendor directory path. I am not able to upload the file
>to vendor directory path , however when I tried to use the WINSCP it worked
>fine. So I thought of checking with Gurus what is wrong I am doing in my
>script. Appreciate your input.
>I will attach my script. Here is what I am doing.
> ...
>Also below is the error which I am getting
>ERROR:root:Error in getting the file from EBS Outbound Server
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
>  File
>"/d01/python3/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/", line
>894, in _convert_status
>    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, text)
>FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] /custom/OWO/ECE_OWO_20200303_143895.dat

This error message tells you that "/customOWO/ECE_OWO_20200303_143895.dat"
does not exist.

Are you sure that this is the correct filename?
Especially, the leading "/" looks wrong.

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