That code I'm talking about didn't require a reentrant lock - the algorithm really wasn't reentrant.
Let me clarify my point: I'm wondering why the non-reentrant lock doesn't raise an exception immediately on this erroneous situation. I thought it could be altered, or at least we could add an option to let a `threading.Lock` behave like a pthread mutex in mode `PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK`: Disallow double locking by same thread, disallow unlocking by another thread. However, after searching a bit more, I found a reference mentioning current behavior in a docstring defined in `_threadmodule.c`: "A lock is not owned by the thread that locked it; another thread may unlock it.". It was added in 75e9fc31d3a18068, a commit from 1998... Since it's a well-documented behavior I guess it's here to stay. At least the "unlock by another thread" part. But I question the double locking. On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 5:07 PM Barry Scott <> wrote: > > > > > On 9 Mar 2020, at 22:53, Yonatan Goldschmidt <> > > wrote: > > > > I recently debugged a program hang, eventually finding out it's a deadlock > > of a single thread, > > resulting from my usage of 2 libraries. One of them - call it library A - > > is reentrant & runs code in > > GC finalizers, while the other - library B - is not reentrant at all. > > Library B held one of its `threading.Lock` locks, and during this period, > > GC was invoked, running > > finalizers of library A which call back into library B, now attempting to > > take the lock again, > > locking the thread forever. > > > > Considering how relatively common this scenario might be (Python, by > > design, can preempt any user code > > to run some other user code, due to GC finalizers), I was surprised Python > > code is not protected > > from this simple type of deadlock. It makes sense that while > > `threading.RLock` allows for recursive > > locking, `threading.Lock` will prevent it - raising an exception if you > > attempt it. > > > > I might be missing something, but why isn't it the status? Why taking a > > `threading.Lock` twice from > > the same thread just hangs, instead of raising a friendly exception? > > I ran a quick search in bpo but found nothing about this topic. I also > > tried to > > search this mailing list but couldn't find how to, so I grepped a few > > random archives > > but found nothing about it. > > > > Would be happy if anyone could shed some light on it... > > threading.Lock is not reentrant and its implementation does not allow > detection of the problem > from what I recall. > > In this case the code might want to use the threading.RLock that is reentrant. > Of course there may be other issues in the code that prevent the finalizers > working if it holds the lock. > > Barry > > > --