Hi all

I just tried something that I did not think had a snowball's chance of working, but to my surprise it did. I thought I would share it, partly for interest, and partly in case anyone can foresee any problems with it.

I use ReportLab to generate pdf files. I do not write them to disk, but use BytesIO to store them in memory. There are two main scenarios - send an email and attach a pdf (which I have not addressed yet), and stream a pdf via HTTP for display in a browser (which is the subject of this post).

I use asyncio, which accepts a request from a client and passes a client_reader and a client_writer to my handler. This is how I handle a pdf request at present -

    with io.BytesIO() as pdf_fd:
        await pdf_handler(pdf_fd)
        pdf_fd.seek(0)  # rewind

I actually write it in 'chunks', but omitted that to keep it simple.

It works perfectly. However, some pdf's can be large, and there could be concurrent requests, so I wanted to minimise the memory footprint. So I tried passing the client_writer directly to the handler -

    await pdf_handler(client_writer)

It works! ReportLab accepts client_writer as a file-like object, and writes to it directly. I cannot use chunking, so I just let it do its thing.

Can anyone see any problem with this?


Frank Millman

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