On 12/9/2019 2:36 AM, R.Wieser wrote:
Standard for in-file test is
Any reason to put the testcode in a procedure instead of just have it
directly follow the "if __name__ == '__main__' " test ?
One can, for instance, interactively do
>>> import mod
>>> mod.test()
and explore the contents of mod, perhaps depending on the result of test()
def test(): ... also marks the code as test code rather than, for
instance, command-line or setup code. Putting such alternative code in
function 'main' has the same effect.
For instance, 3.x has idlelib.__main__, which has something like
from idlelib.pyshell import main
so than one can run 3.x IDLE from a command line with 'python -m idlelib'.
Terry Jan Reedy