
> No, that addition is a fixed increment on the initial starting
> time, and is NOT relative to the ending of a sleep.

> No, that addition is a fixed increment


> on the initial starting time


If pythons sleep is worth its salt it ends exactly on the time provided in 
"t".   Thus the subsequent addition to that "t" is releative to the end of 
the sleep just before it.

> The subtraction in the sleep call is what adjusts for the processing
> time between sleeps

Yep.  /All/ the time in between them.   Not just from the "t +=" you 
mentioned onwards (ignoring the time spend on switching the pin and the 
loops jumping-back).

> ??? Not sure what you describe here

My apologies, I should have been clearer.   Its the time difference I saw 
when using a hard 300 uSec delay in the loop (cycle-time longer that 300 
uSec), compared to a drift-compensated delay of the same (cycle time exactly 
300 uSec).   I attributed the difference to the time as spend in the code 
between sleeps (loop jumping, toggeling of the pin and calculation of the 
new end time - possibly the sleeps argument calculation too)

Rudy Wieser


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