On 10/30/19, Arnaud Loonstra <arn...@sphaero.org> wrote:
> I have a binding to access and create the C methods and structures so in
> Python I can call the Zmsg() constructor. I now need to return this.
> My python test method is simply:
> def actor_test( *args, **kwargs):
>      print("test")
>      msg = Zmsg()
>      frame = Zframe(b"Hello", 5)
>      msg.prepend(frame)
>      return msg
> the method is called from C as follows:
> PyObject *pReturn = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, NULL);
> This correctly calls the method. However the returned object is of
> course a PyObject*. The debugger says it's
> "<czmq._czmq_ctypes.Zmsg object at 0x7ffff5f18e50>"   PyObject
>                       [class] "<class 'czmq._czmq_ctypes.Zmsg'>"      
>                       [super class]   "<class 'object'>"      
>                       [meta type]     "<class 'type'>"        
>                       ob_refcnt       1       Py_ssize_t
> However how I can I get it back to the original C type (zmsg_t *)

I don't know what this Zmsg type is. It doesn't appear to be a ctypes
type such as a Structure. Either way, I'd wager that it supports the
buffer protocol.


Call PyObject_GetBuffer to get a simple view, and try casting the
`buf` pointer to a zmsg_t pointer.

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