On 18/10/2019 10:35, doganad...@gmail.com wrote:
Here is my question:

I am using the numpy.std formula to calculate the standart deviation. However, 
the result comes as a number in scientific notation.
Therefore I am asking, How to convert a scientific notation to decimal number, 
and still keep the data format as float64 ?

Or is there any workaround to get the initial standart deviation result as a 
decimal number?

Here is my code:

     Result: 4.999999999999449e-05

     Result: float64

Solutions such as this:

stdev=format(stdev, '.10f')
converts the data into a string object! which I don't want.

Expected result: I am willing to have a result as a decimal number in a float64 

Float64 is a binary number format, not a decimal format. What you ask can't be done.

As to what you want:

For most purposes, you can think of the float64 object storing the Platonic ideal of the number, not any particular representation of it. 0.00005 and 5E-5 are the same number. End of story.

If you want to work with the number, you don't care what it looks like. If you want to display the number, you do care what it looks like, and you want a str rather than a float.

System: (Python 3.7.4 running on Win10)



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