On 26/09/2019 17:51, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Thu, 26 Sep 2019 11:58:15 +0100, RobH <r...@despammer.com> declaimed the

import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD

        FYI: from Adafruit's download site:

This library has been deprecated! We are leaving this up for historical and
research purposes but archiving the repository.

We are now only supporting the use of our CircuitPython libraries for use
with Python.

Check out this guide for info on using character LCDs with the
CircuitPython library:

# Print a two line message
# lcd.message('Hello\nworld!')

        The example "two-line message" relies upon an embedded new-line

lcd.message( "Hello" 1)

        This should produce a syntax error

.message(string) only takes one argument -- a string to display. If said
string contains a newline, the library invokes a .set_cursor(col, row) to
move to the start of the next line (though line is limited to the defined
configuration maximum).

        If you want to manually position text, you'll need to invoke
.set_cursor(col, row) to do that, then invoke .message(string) to provide
the text.

        As mentioned, the library you are using is no longer supported by
AdaFruit. They would prefer you to install the "adafruit_blinka" library
which provides an interface to invoke CircuitPython libraries from boards
running full Python (CircuitPython runs on microcontrollers like AdaFruit's
Metro cards). (You'd then have to also install the CircuitPython libraries)

(also applies to BeagleBone Black, as I recall)

Thanks for that, as I didn't realise it was deprecated, and have downloaded the circuitpython charLCD files.

Also, I note on the site from the link for circuitpython, there is information and examples of how to put text on 2 lines, using the embedded newline character.

As I said I am a newbie with python and I did not realise that this would do what I wanted, doh!

# Print a two line message
# lcd.message('Hello\nworld!').

Thanks again.


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