Markos <> writes:

>>> Please, any comments or tip?
>> data = pd.read_csv ('table.csv', sep = ',', skiprows = 1, decimal=b',', 
>> skipinitialspace=True)
> Thank you for the tip.
> I didn't realize that I could avoid formatting problems in the dataframe
> or array simply by using the read_csv command with the correct
> parameters (sep and decimal).
> I searched for information about the meaning of the letter "b" in the
> parameter decimal=b','  but didn't find.
> I found that it also works without the letter b.

I added the b because the default in the definition of read_csv is b'.', but 
you are right, it works with just ','.
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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