On 17Sep2019 12:13, lampahome <pahome.c...@mirlab.org> wrote:
Hello, I use python3.5 and found no way to solve this problem

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
ps = Popen('ssh -o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\' hello@ \'sudo
sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
bufsize=0, shell=True)
 hello@'s password:

what I tried many times like enter password, but it failed.
I just want to use ps.stdin.write(password) to send password, but it always
jump password prompt immediately.

Well, there's a Python library called "paramiko" which implements ssh. That might help.

But really you should avoid using password authentication altogether. Generate a public/private keypair using ssh-keygen and install the public half on the target machine.

Then all you need to do is to deal with sudo's password.

Note also that since stdin and stdout are pipes and not the terminal then ssh will not be interactive, and will not allocate a tty at the far end either. You can get ssh to open a remote tty with the -t option.

But I suspect you don't want stdin=PIPE or stdout=PIPE at all. Why are they there?

Also, try doing this without shell=True - it is an invitation for mistakes and shell injection (depending on your uses).

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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