Please reply on-list. (both of you)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: numpy results in segmentation fault
Date:   Mon, 16 Sep 2019 17:04:57 +0530
From:   Test Bot <>
To:     Pradeep Patra <>
CC:     Thomas Jollans <>

Firstly, in response to this
I tried to install numpy with 3.7.3 and it is for some
reason not working and after import when I run import numpy at python
console and press enter I get >>? i,e its not working properly.

the >> prompt after import numpy signifies that the numpy module has
been loaded and is available in the session.

Can you please provide the traceback you are getting along with the input.

PS - Also, you have some coins like thing on hackerrank I guess to
reveal the test cases, in case everything else fails.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 3:08 PM Pradeep Patra <
<>> wrote:

    Yes it is crashing in the hackerrank site and the testcases fails with
    segmentation fault. I tried to install numpy with 3.7.3 and it is
    for some
    reason not working and after import when I run import numpy at python
    console and press enter I get >>? i,e its not working properly.

    Can you please help letting me know the python and numpy compatibility
    matrix or I am missing anything?

    I tried some of the numpy code from the other github and it also
    fails with
    the segmentation fault :-(. I am guessing some numpy version compatility
    issue or some environment issue.

    On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 8:00 PM Thomas Jollans <
    <>> wrote:

    > On 12/09/2019 15.53, Pradeep Patra wrote:
    > > Hi ,
    > >
    > > I was trying to solve the hackerrank and was using python 3.7.x.
    > >
    > >
    > > While running the code sometimes I get success result and
    sometimes it
    > > fails with "Segmentation Fault" at Hacker rank UI. I dont have
    any clue
    > why
    > > the code is crashing ? Does anyone have any idea?
    > Are you sure it's your code that's crashing, and not something beyond
    > your control? (Such as the software that is starting Python for you)
    > Does it depend on the input? Can you reproduce the issue in a
    > environment (i.e. on your own PC)?
    > >
    > > Regards
    > > Pradeep
    > >
    > > import numpy
    > >
    > > n,m,p = map(int,input().split())
    > > tgt_arr1 = []
    > > for i in range(n):
    > >     row = list(map(int,input().split()))
    > >     tgt_arr1.append(row)
    > > tgt_arr2 = []
    > > for j in range(m):
    > >     row = list(map(int,input().split()))
    > >     tgt_arr2.append(row)
    > >
    > > num_arr1 = numpy.array(tgt_arr1,int)
    > > num_arr2 = numpy.array(tgt_arr2,int)
    > >
    > > print(numpy.concatenate((num_arr1,num_arr2),axis=0))
    > --


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