/Please, feel free to circulate //to anyone you think may be interested.///
Open positions at CMCC Foundation:
*Software Developers for the Digital Ocean (Research Associate)
[Job Opening Code: 9195]
The location is the CMCC – Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA)
office in Lecce, Italy.
_Deadline: 15/09/2019 _
*Scientific Software Developer
Opening Code: 9209]
The location is CMCC Headquarters in Lecce, Italy. Remote working as
well as part-time could be suitable options.
_Deadline: 20/09/2019 _
*Software Developer for the Digital Ocean (Research Associate)
[Job Opening Code: 9213]
The location is CMCC – Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) office
in Bologna (Italy)
_Deadline: 20/09/2019 _
For further information on CMCC Job Opportunities, please visit our
website https://www.cmcc.it/work-with-us <www.cmcc.it>.
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Web: www.cmcc.it <https://www.cmcc.it/> - Contact us: i...@cmcc.it