Hi How can I execute "from devicesEmbedded import *" after this: "print("Device added to list")" in GUI.py because currently if I have the import added at the top of GUI.py file it always executes first before the GUI.py file is executed. I want the devicesEmbedded.py to execute after GUI.py has executed first.
Thanks Spencer GUI.py import logging from datetime import timedelta import time from thespian.actors import * from transitions import Machine import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import importlib import os import os.path import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic from mqtt import * # from devicesEmbedded import * import json class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self,parent = None): QMainWindow.__init__(self) super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.mdi = QMdiArea() self.setCentralWidget(self.mdi) self.setMinimumSize(QSize(800, 600)) self.setWindowTitle("PyQt button example - pythonprogramminglanguage.com") pybutton = QPushButton('Add device', self) pybutton.clicked.connect(self.importbutton) pybutton.move(100, 400) pybutton.resize(150, 32) self.textbox = QLineEdit(self) self.textbox.move(100,350) self.textbox.resize(100, 32) self.fileName_UI = "" def importbutton(self): self.fileName_UI = self.textbox.text() self.loadGUI() def getGUIFilename(self): return self.fileName_UI def loadGUI(self): print("Searching file", self.fileName_UI) try: module = __import__(self.fileName_UI) my_class = getattr(module, "SubWindow") sub = QMdiSubWindow() sub.setWidget(my_class()) sub.setWindowTitle("New GUI: " + self.fileName_UI) self.mdi.addSubWindow(sub) sub.show() print("creating new instance " + self.fileName_UI) client = device("Device") client.run() client.loop_start() # start the loop # device_message = self.fileName_UI time.sleep(2) print("Subscribing to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") client.subscribe("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") print("Publishing message to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") client.publish("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices", json.dumps({"type": "device", "payload":{"name": self.fileName_UI, "cmd": "adding device"}}, indent=2)) time.sleep(1) # wait client.loop_stop() # stop the loop print("Device added" + "\n") client.run() client.loop_start() time.sleep(2) print("Subscribing to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") client.subscribe("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") print("Publishing message to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") client.publish("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices", self.fileName_UI + " added to device list") time.sleep(1) client.loop_stop() listofdevices = [] listofdevices.append(self.fileName_UI) with open("list_of_devices.txt", "a+") as myfile: for item in listofdevices: myfile.write(item + ",") print(item) print(listofdevices) print("Device added to list") except: print("creating new instance " + self.fileName_UI) client = device("Device") client.run() client.loop_start() # start the loop device_message = self.fileName_UI time.sleep(2) print("Subscribing to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") client.subscribe("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") print("Publishing message to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") client.publish("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI", json.dumps({"type": "device", "payload":{"name": self.fileName_UI}}, indent=2)) time.sleep(2) # wait client.loop_stop() # stop the loop print(device_message + ".py " + "file doesn't exist") print("Device not added") if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainWin = MainWindow() a = mainWin.show() try: mainWin.show() os.remove("list_of_devices.txt") print("Awaiting devices to be launched") except: print("Awaiting devices to be launched") publishedMessage = mainWin.getGUIFilename() sys.exit(app.exec_()) devicesEmbedded.py: import random import asyncio from actorio import Actor, Message, DataMessage, ask, EndMainLoop, Reference from mqtt import * # from GUI import * client = device("Device") client.run() client.loop_start() time.sleep(1) print("Subscribing to topic", "microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") client.subscribe("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI/list_of_devices") client.loop_stop() # stop the loop def readFile(fname): try: with open(fname, "r") as f: for item in f: print(item) except: print("No devices added yet") readFile("list_of_devices.txt") mqtt.py import logging from datetime import timedelta import time from thespian.actors import * from transitions import Machine import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import importlib import os.path import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic class device(mqtt.Client): def on_connect(self, mqttc, obj, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("Connected to broker") else: print("Connection failed") # mqttc.subscribe("microscope/light_sheet_microscope/UI") def on_message(self, mqttc, userdata, message): msg = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) print("message recieved= " + msg) # print("File which you want to import(with .py extension)") print("message topic=", message.topic) print("message qos=", message.qos) print("message retain flag=", message.retain) def run(self): self.connect("broker.hivemq.com", 1883, 60) Thanks -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list