On Thursday, 29 August 2019 13:25:01 UTC+10, Sayth Renshaw  wrote:
> Hi
> Trying to find whats changed in this example. Based around work and team 
> reschuffles.
> So first I created my current teams and then my shuffled teams.
> people = ["Tim","Bill","Sally","Ally","Fred","Fredricka"]
> team_number = [1,1,2,2,3,3]
> shuffle_people = ["Fredricka","Bill","Sally","Tim","Ally","Fred"]
> shuffle_team_number = [1,1,2,2,3,3]
> Then combine.
> teams = list(zip(people,team_number))
> shuffle_teams = list(zip(shuffle_people, shuffle_team_number))
> Then I am attempting to compare for change.
> [i for i, j in zip(teams, shuffle_teams) if i != j]
> #Result
> [('Tim', 1), ('Ally', 2), ('Fred', 3), ('Fredricka', 3)]
> #Expecting to see
> [('Fredricka', 1),('Tim', 2)]
> What's a working way to go about this?
> Sayth

It looks like Tuples are comparing by position changes not content changes.

So this fails too

set(shuffle_teams) & set(teams)
# {('Bill', 1), ('Fred', 3), ('Sally', 2)}

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