On 17/08/2019 15:37, Peter Otten wrote:
Paul St George wrote:
Can someone please tell me how to get the absolute path to a file? I
have tried os.path.abspath. In the code below I have a problem in the
final line (15).
|import bpy||
Is this blender? If so the "//" prefix starts making sense:
I'd try bpy.path.abspath() instead of os.pathabspath().
||import os||
||texture_list = []||
||with open(os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)[0] + ".txt", "w") as
||for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:||
||for s in obj.material_slots:||
||if s.material and s.material.use_nodes:||
||for n in s.material.node_tree.nodes:||
||if n.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':||
||texture_list += [n.image]||
||print(obj.name,'uses',n.image.name,'saved at',n.image.filepath, 'which
is at', os.path.abspath(n.image.filepath), file=outstream)||
This gives me:
---Plane uses image01.tif saved at //image01.tif which is at //image01.tif
---Plane uses image02.tif saved at //../images/image02.tif which is at
But I want an absolute path such as:
---Plane uses image01.tif saved at /Users/Lion/Desktop/test8/image01.tif
---Plane uses image02.tif saved at /Users/Lion/Desktop/images/image02.tif
If it is relevant, my files are on a Mac. Hence the escaped forward slash.
Yes, it is Blender and the bpy.path.abspath() works!
And thank you also for the link to the docs. They say:
Returns the absolute path relative to the current blend file using the
“//” prefix.
So does Blender have its own Python!!!!???