On 09/08/2019 16:29, Rhodri James wrote:
On 09/08/2019 15:13, Paul St George wrote:
In the code (below) I want a new line like this:

Plane rotation X: 0.0
Plane rotation Y: 0.0
Plane rotation Z: 0.0

But not like this:

Plane rotation X:
Plane rotation Y:
Plane rotation Z:

Is it possible?
(I am using Python 3.5 within Blender.)

import os

outstream = open(os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)[0] + ".txt",'w')


"Plane rotation X:",bpy.data.objects["Plane"].rotation_euler[0],

"Plane rotation Y:",bpy.data.objects["Plane"].rotation_euler[1],

"Plane rotation Z:",bpy.data.objects["Plane"].rotation_euler[2],

file=outstream, sep="\n"



The 'sep="\n"' parameter to print() means "put a newline between each item."  So don't do that.  Put the newlines you do want in explicitly, or use separate calls to print():

(I'm abbreviating because I really can't be bothered to type that much :-)

  print("X:", thing[0],
        "\nY:", thing[1],
        "\nZ:", thing[2],


  print("X:", thing[0], file=outstream)
  print("Y:", thing[1], file=outstream)
  print("Z:", thing[2], file=outstream)

I would probably use the latter, but it's just a matter of personal preference.

(Actually I would probably use outstream.write() and do my own formatting, but let's not get side-tracked ;-)

So, I am going with your second suggestion (see below) but I would love to hear your outstream.write() side-track!

import os

with open(os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)[0] + ".txt", "w") as outstream:

   plane = bpy.data.objects["Plane"]

   print("Plane rotation X:",plane.rotation_euler[0], file=outstream)

   print("Plane rotation Y:",plane.rotation_euler[1], file=outstream)

   print("Plane rotation Z:",plane.rotation_euler[2], file=outstream)

   print("Focal length:", bpy.context.object.data.lens, file=outstream)

   and so on...


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