> However, threads aren't really needed for this simple connection
> relay... The following has /not/ been run (since I don't have your
> server nor VBS) but should do about the same thing (see comments for one
> lack).
To some degree you are right!
If the vbs issues only some "primitive" sql commands, like

select au_fname from authors where zip=678678678
(the authors is a table in the pubs database in SQL Server)

then it works even without threading it.
But if the vbs issues e.g. this command for sql server:

"waitfor delay '000:00:05'; raiserror ('AAA',10,1) with nowait;"

then things go messed and confused...
and the code refuses to work in only one (main) thread.
In short, see this my topic on an sql server forum:

Btw, I have NOT yet seen any WORKING C# code for my subject.


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