I think they actually read like they would mean slightly different things,
which would make them existing as aliases confusing.

I read `if not val` as "If val isn't true" but i would read `if no val` as
"if val does not exist"

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 4:07 PM Daniel Okey-Okoro <danielokeyok...@gmail.com>

> I think that adding a `no` keyword as an alias for `not` would make for
> more readable, simple, pythonic code.
> Take the below:
> ```
> if not val:
>   do_thing_because_value_is_falsy()
> ```
> could be (is actually understood as):
> ```
> if no val:
>    do_thing_because_value_is_falsy()
> ```
> I think this PEP is a work-around for an underlying subtle issue with how
> the `not` operator is used.
> It has two use-cases:
> 1. as a NOT gate for producing opposite boolean values
> ```
> opposite = not regular
> ```
> 2. as a sort of  ".is_falsy()"  checker; when used with an if statement.
> like the first example.
> This PEP would make the difference between the two usecases explicit.
> Thoughts?
> Best Intentions,
> Daniel Okey-Okoro.
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list




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