On 29/07/2019 23:06, Harry Grey wrote:
> Hy to Everyone
> first of all : Sorry for my english
> what do you think about introducing a feature that allows you to group
> by date
> and after to filter the istruction that are written in the
> .python_history file:
> maybe with a new structure for .python_history: 
> """
>       ###DATE-OF-SOME-DAY-START###
>       ###DATE-OF-SOME-DAY-END###
> """
> and maybe developing a new tool, or a core functionality of python
> interpreter callable as an argument in the cmd, that allow you to parse
> the .python_history file in given date:
> With a tool:
>       PhYstory -d 16 -m 03 -y 2019


IMHO, this is a rather niche use case. And I suppose you could
relatively easily implement it yourself with a site hook that adds magic
comments to ~/.pyhistory as you suggest. If you want this functionality,
there's no need for it to be part of Python itself.

FWIW, IPython, as far as I can tell, already saves some timestamp
information in its history file.

-- Thomas

> or like python Functionality:
>       python -hist 16-03-2019/17-03-2019
> and why not? why not have a the chance to enable and disable, at will,
> writing in the .python_history:
> ""
>       >>> skip_hist
>       >>>
>       >>> # Make some unusefull instruction
>       >>> # Ignored in the history
>       >>>     class TryClass:
>       >>>             # Some Code
>       >>>     
>       >>>
>       >>> tc = TryClass()
>       >>> keep_hist
>       >>> # make some interesting code
>       >>> # and keep it in the history file.
> """
> Thanks
> DG.

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