On 2019-07-18 20:52, Ben Bacarisse wrote:
Danilo Coccia <danil...@acm.org> writes:
Il 18/07/2019 12:27, Ben Bacarisse ha scritto:
Of course str.split('') could be defined to work the way you expect, but
it's possible that the error is there to prompt the programmer to be
more explicit.
It is even more ambiguous if you consider that any string starts with an
infinite number of empty strings, followed by a character, followed by
an infinite number of empty strings, followed by ...
The result wouldn't fit on screen, or in memory for that!
Right, but that can be finessed by saying that two delimiters can't
overlap, which is the usual rule. A reasonable interpretation of "not
overlapping" might well exclude having more the one delimiter in the
same place.
The delimiters wouldn't be overlapping, they'd be adjacent, but it does
seem reasonable not to split on an empty delimiter more than once at a
certain position. That's what a regex split (usually) does (in the re
module since Python 3.7, and in other regex implementations).