Am 17.07.19 um 20:39 schrieb Jesse Ibarra:
My options seem rather limited, I need to make a Pipeline from (Smalltalk -> C -> 
Python) then go back (Smalltalk <- C <- Python). Since Smalltalk does not support 
Python directly I have to settle with the C/Python API 
 Any suggestions?

Ah, now you finally tell us your problem!

Depending on, how complete / advanced / efficient the bridge needs to be, it can be easy or hard.

What level of integration do you want to achieve? Do you want

a) to call Python functions from Smalltalk
b) call Smalltalk functions from Python
c) pass callbacks around, e.g. use a Smalltalk function within a Python list comprehension, and if so, which way d) integrate the class systems - derive a Python class from a Smalltalk base or the other way round

e) ?

The most basic thing is a), but even getting that right might be non-trivial, since both C APIs will have different type systems which you need to match. I don't speak Smalltalk, so can't comment in detail on this - but in practice it will also depend on the implementation you are using.

Best regards,



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