I am update some PyPI projects and found that twine was refusing the upload.
I have been googling and reading the PyPI guides but did not find anthing that helps me understand what is required. What am I doing wrong? Using the twine check command I get reports about the reasons. All the code on https://github.com/barry-scott/namedstruct where you can see the README.rst rendered in full. Where as at https://pypi.org/project/namedstruct/ only the first line is rendered. Checking distribution dist\namedstruct-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl: warning: `long_description_content_type` missing. defaulting to `text/x-rst`. Passed Checking distribution dist\namedstruct-1.2.1.tar.gz: warning: `long_description_content_type` missing. defaulting to `text/x-rst`. Failed The project's long_description has invalid markup which will not be rendered on PyPI. The following syntax errors were detected: line 1: Severe: Unexpected section title or transition. The part of setup.py that does this is: setup( name='namedstruct', version=open('version.txt').read().strip(), description='namedstruct encapsulates struct.unpack() with results accessed by name', long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type='text/x-rst', # The project's main homepage. url='https://github.com/barry-scott/namedstruct', Where should I have added the content type? The other reason is the show stopper. It does not allow me to have sections in my README.rst. The README.rst starts with: Module namedstruct ------------------ namedstruct encapsulates struct.unpack() and struct.pack() with results accessed by name. Classes ------- class namedstruct.namedstruct If I remove the sections the README.rst shown only has the first line of the readme twine allows be to upload but only the first line of the README is rendered. Barry -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list