Cousin Stanley wrote .... 

>>  You might try setting a given window geometry
>>  to accomodate the long title .... 
>>  win_w = 400 
>>  win_h = 300
>>  ofs_h = 40
>>  ofs_v = 30
>>  window.geometry( "%dx%d+%d+%d" % ( win_w , win_h , ofs_h , ofs_v ) )
>>  Maybe add a bit of extra space for users 
>>  with different default font sizes ....
>>  Not a general solution 
>>  but perhaps workable ....

moi wrote .... 

> No, huge mistake.

  It isn't clear to me how specifying a particular geometry
  for one's own self-coded tkinter gui prgrams with windows
  that are resize-able would be a mistake ....

> Take for example the Windows installer.
> The window is so small, you can not even read the path 
> where Python will be installed.
> Bonus: the windows is not resizable and part of items 
> are not even visible.
> It would be to bad to not mimic this behavior.
> Just tested it 2 min ago on my Windows 7.1 with py3.7.3.

  I didn't suggest modifying 3rd party programs,
  but the suggestion I offered was meant to be applied
  to one's own code ....

  I have used a given geometry for dozens of my own
  tkinter gui programs such that a modest window size
  which assures that all widgets are viewable 
  when first presented to the user ....

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


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