El 10/06/19 a las 13:28, aris escribió:

Hello,this is my first time trying to learn coding and programming and I wanted to 
start with python.Though,when I download pycharm, I go to 
configure>settings>project interpreter and i can not put a project interpreter( 
I have download python version 3) .What should I do?thank you for your time.

Hi Aris:
You must go to: File -> Settings
and below of "Version Control" you find like this: Project:"project name" -> Project Interpreter and the top at your right hand you find litle button and you can add (configure) an interpreter: Virtualenv Enviroment, Conda Env., System Interpreter, Pipenv Env.., etc.

You must use the last (at least a version after mars of the last year ), because include the pipenv support.

I hope that can help you.

PD Before all, you must have already installed pipenv in your system.


Ing. Jesús Reyes Piedra
Admin Red Neurodesarrollo,Cárdenas
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