On 03Jun2019 16:32, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 17:05:52 +0200 (CEST), "Lentes, Bernd"
<bernd.len...@helmholtz-muenchen.de> declaimed the following:
I wrote a shellscript to create consistent images of the virtual
machines each night, using the bash and virsh (the libvirt shell).
Script is running fairly fine, but i need to extend it.
I'm thinking of rewriting it in python, i think that would be a good practise.
Inside the script i'm using things like "virsh start, virsh shutdown, virsh
snaphot-list, virsh snapshot, virsh snapshot-delete, virsh domblklist,
virsh blockcommit, virsh list, virsh define ..."
The big thing I see is that all of those are separate invocations to
command line operations. That gets clunky with Python (spawn a new process
for each command, handle output from it, etc.).
Note of course that his shell script is doing that too, though "invoke a
separate command" is pretty much the shell's core function :-)
Can i use all the possibilities i have in virsh in that
libvirt-package ?
https://libvirt.org/bindings.html indicates that there is a Python
binding to the actual libvirt library. On a Debian system, apt-get appears
to be able to find something [...]
Using the API means you will not be invoking "virsh" commands
themselves. You will have to become familiar with the API equivalent to the
commands you were using.
Or he could just "python3 -m pip install libvirt-python", since it is
published on PyPI.
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>