In PEP 594 t has been proposed that cgi & cgitb should be removed. I suspect I am not the only person in the world that likes using cgi and cgitb.

One of the nice features in cgitb is the ability to get a nice traceback with variable values etc etc etc. I have used the underlying mechanism to produce better traceback information on several occasions and not only in cgi applications.

I filed a bug against cgitb in 2004 with (apparently unacceptable patches) that 
is still unfixed.

Although cgi is claimed to be dead it is still one of the easiest ways to get a web service to operate; it is also stateless and robust. If cgi and similar are removed from the stdlib python will become significantly less charged. These batteries are not dead they are pining.

There is some discussion on the python-dev list of moving these allegedly dead packages to pypi, but of course that means issues of control, where do the sources reside and other politics.

Django has a similar feature to cgitb's output for tracebacks, but is too deeply embedded for use elsewhere; is there anything suitable elsewhere?
Robin Becker


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