Dear Sir/Ma'am, I was upgrading a codebase from python2 to python3. The testcases fail in python3 code because the set() function produces a different order from python2.
e.g. set in py2 ={"it","is","rishabh","Mishra"} Here in python 2.7 the PYTHONHASHSEED is disabled. in py3 set ={"rishabh","it","is","mishra"} I want the order to stay consistent with python2.7 to pass the test cases. In python 3.3 above PYTHONHASHSEED=0 disbales the random shuffling but it doesn't yield the same order as 2.7 So can you tell me for what value of PYTHONHASHSEED the order will stay consistent? Thank-You! Yours sincerely, Rishabh Mishra --