On 5/7/19 7:55 AM, sveem...@gmail.com wrote:
On Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 1:20:49 AM UTC+5:30, MRAB wrote:
On 2019-05-06 19:44, sveem...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,

I am new learner of python programming and I am into my basics.
I got  struck with the code in   a sample  program and refer the same with IDE 
and  googling which did not help me for more than a day.

What is  wrong with  my last 2  lines?
what I am missing?

my_name = 'Veera'
my_age = 40 #  Actually 42
my_height = 155 # Inches
my_weight = "80" # checking the double quotes
my_eyes = 'brown'
my_teeth = 'white'
my_hair =  'black'

print(f"Let's  talk  about  {my_name}.")
print(f"He's {my_height} inches  tall.")
print(f"He's {my_weight} weight heavy.")
print("Actually  thats  not too Heavy.")

print(f"He's  got {my_eyes} eyes and {my_hair}  hair.")
print(f"His  teeth are actually  {my_teeth} depending on the  coffee.")

### this  line are where I Struck #####

'my_age' and 'my_height' are numbers, but 'my_weight' is a string
(why?). You can't add a number and a string together.

total =   my_age + my_height + my_weight
print(f"If I add {my_age}, {my_height}, and {my_weight} I get  {total} .")


Thanks . It worked  .
Will  have to read more on strings to get the exact total value..

The comment can't be ignored because it's sitting there flagging your problem. Strings (in single or double quote) are strings; a sequence of characters as used to write words. Numbers are numbers. You can't add them together.

This over here is my friend Bob. What's 31 + 18 + Bob? The question makes no sense, because the operation of addition isn't defined in such a way that allows you to add numbers to human beings. You can't add them to strings either.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
Email address domain is currently out of order.  See above to fix.

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