Hi community, I have developed a tkinter GUI component, Python v3.7. It runs very well in Linux but seeing a huge performance impact in Windows 10. While in Linux an almost real-time performance is achieved, in Windows it is slow to an unusable level.
The code is somewhat stripped down from the original, but the performance difference is the same anyway. The columns can be resized by clicking on the column border and dragging it. Resizing works only for the top row (but it resizes the entire column). In this demo, all bindings are avoided to exclude influence on the component performance and thus not included. If you resize the window (i.e., if you maximize it), you must call the function table.fit() from IDLE shell. Does anyone know where is this huge difference in performance coming from? Can anything be done about it? Thank you, -- Robert Okadar IT Consultant Schedule an *online meeting <https://calendly.com/aranea-network/60min>* with me! Visit *aranea-mreze.hr* <http://aranea-mreze.hr> or call * +385 91 300 8887*
import tkinter class Resizer(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, info_grid, master, **cnf): self.table_grid = info_grid tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master, **cnf) self.bind('<Button1-Motion>', self.resize_column) self.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.resize_start) self.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.resize_end) self._resizing = False self.bind('<Destroy>', self.onDestroyEvent) def onDestroyEvent(self, event): self.table_grid = [] def resize_column(self, event, width = None): #if self._resizing: top = self.table_grid.Top grid = self.table_grid._grid col = self.master.grid_info()["column"] if not width: width = self._width + event.x_root - self._x_root top.columnconfigure(col, minsize = width) grid.columnconfigure(col, minsize = width) def resize_start(self, event): top = self.table_grid.Top self._resizing = True self._x_root = event.x_root col = self.master.grid_info()["column"] self._width = top.grid_bbox(row = 0, column = col)[2] #print event.__dict__ col = self.master.grid_info()["column"] #print top.grid_bbox(row = 0, column = col) def resize_end(self, event): pass #self.table_grid.xscrollcommand() #self.table_grid.column_resize_callback(col, self) class Table(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, master, columns = 10, rows = 20, width = 100,**kw): tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw) self.columns = [] self._width = width self._grid = grid = tkinter.Frame(self, bg = "#CCCCCC") self.Top = top = tkinter.Frame(self, bg = "#DDDDDD") self.create_top(columns) self.create_grid(rows) #self.bind('<Configure>', self.on_table_configure) #self.bind('<Map>', self.on_table_map) top.pack(anchor = 'nw')#, expand = 1, fill = "both") grid.pack(anchor = 'nw')#fill = "both",expand = 1 def on_table_map(self, event): theight = self.winfo_height() def fit(self):#on_table_configure(self, event): i = 0 for frame in self.Top.grid_slaves(row = 0): frame.resizer.resize_column(None, width = frame.winfo_width()) i += 1 theight = self.winfo_height() fheight = self._grid.winfo_height() + self.Top.winfo_height() #print('<Map>', theight, fheight) if theight > fheight: rheight = self.grid_array[0][0].winfo_height() ammount = int((-fheight + theight) / rheight) #print(rheight, ammount) for i in range(ammount): self.add_row() self.update() def add_row(self, ammount = 1): columnsw = self.columns row = [] i = len(self.grid_array) for j in range(len(columnsw)): bg = self.bgcolor0 if i % 2 == 1: bg = self.bgcolor1 entry = tkinter.Label(self._grid, bg = bg, text = '%i %i' % (i, j)) entry.grid(row = i, column = j, sticky = "we", padx = 2) row.append(entry) self.grid_array.append(row) bgcolor0 = "#FFFFFF" bgcolor1 = "#EEEEEE" def create_grid(self, height): #grid.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nsew") columnsw = self.columns# = self.Top.grid_slaves(row = 1) self.grid_array = [] for i in range(height): row = [] for j in range(len(columnsw)): bg = self.bgcolor0 if i % 2 == 1: bg = self.bgcolor1 #entry = self.EntryClass(False, self, self._grid, bg = bg, width = 1, ) entry = tkinter.Label(self._grid, bg = bg, text = '%i %i' % (i,j)) entry.grid(row = i, column = j, sticky = "we", padx = 2) row.append(entry) self.grid_array.append(row) def create_top(self, columns = 10): top = self.Top #columns = self._columns #maybe to rename for i in range(columns): name = 'column %i' % i self.add_column(name, top) def add_column(self, name, top, width = None): if not width: width = self._width col = tkinter.Frame(top) i = len(self.columns) #filter = Filter(self, name, i, top) entry = tkinter.Entry(col, width = 1) #readonlybackground #col.ColumnIndex = i #col.array_index = i entry.insert(0, name) resizer = Resizer(self, col, bg = "#000000", width = 3, height = 21, cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow') #entry.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "we") #resizer.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "e") entry.pack(side = "left", fill = "both", expand = 1) resizer.pack(side = "right") top.columnconfigure(i, minsize = width, weight = 1) #filter.grid(row = 0, column = i, sticky = "we") col.grid(row = 0, column = i, sticky = "we") col.entry = entry #col.filter = filter #col.index = filter.index = i col.resizer = resizer #filter.Column = col entry.Column = col self.columns.append(col) if __name__ == '__main__': columns = 30 rows = 20 width = 60 root = tkinter.Tk() root.wm_title('TableGridTest') table = self = Table(root, columns = columns, rows = rows, width = width) table.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') #table.create_grid(
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