The function is constructing a list of the lines, which it will combine at the 
end. Answering the questions in reverse order:
3. Also why that `if` test is required there.
The if statement is saying "I don't have room on my current line for the next 
word, so time to start a new line"

2. In the if clause why `current_line_length` is set back to 0 every time the 
condition is true.
current_line_length is, well, the length of the current line. Where it's set to 
0 is when you've just started a new line, so it's saying "I'm now on a new line 
and have used up 0 characters so far on that line"

1. why  `line_length` is set to `current_line_length` initially?
lines_of_words starts out empty. Setting current_line_length to line_length 
triggers the "hey, I need to make a new line" on the first word, effectively 
creating the first line.

Also, I feel like there's a bug in this, where

current_line_length += len(word)

should be...

current_line_length += (len(word) + 1)

Otherwise the line length doesn't count the spaces. And a lot of little words 
will result in longer lines than you asked for.

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list 
[] On Behalf Of 
Arup Rakshit
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 2:33 PM
To: Python
Subject: I want understand how this word wrap program playing on input 

I am reading a Python book, where the author used a simple word wrap program to 
explain another concept. But I am not understanding some parts of the program.

    def wrap(text, line_length):
        """Wrap a string to a specified line length"""
        words = text.split()
        lines_of_words = []
        current_line_length = line_length
        for word in words:
            if current_line_length + len(word) > line_length:
                lines_of_words.append([]) # new line
                current_line_length = 0
            current_line_length += len(word)
        lines = [' '.join(line_of_words) for line_of_words in lines_of_words]
        return '\n'.join(lines)
    wealth_of_nations = "The annual labour of every nation is the fund which 
or" \
    "iginally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniencies of life 
wh" \
    "ich it annually consumes, and which consist always either in the 
immediate" \
    " produce of that labour, or in what is purchased with that produce from 
ot" \
    "her nations. According, therefore, as this produce, or what is purchased 
w" \
    "ith it, bears a greater or smaller proportion to the number of those who 
a" \
    "re to consume it, the nation will be better or worse supplied with all 
the" \
    " necessaries and conveniencies for which it has occasion."

Now when I call it:

    python3 -i 
    >>> wrap(wealth_of_nations, 25)
    'The annual labour of every\nnation is the fund which\noriginally supplies 
it with\nall the necessaries and\nconveniencies of life which\nit annually 
consumes, and\nwhich consist always either\nin the immediate produce of\nthat 
labour, or in what is\npurchased with that produce\nfrom other 
nations.\nAccording, therefore, as\nthis produce, or what is\npurchased with 
it, bears a\ngreater or smaller\nproportion to the number of\nthose who are to 
consume it,\nthe nation will be better or\nworse supplied with all 
the\nnecessaries and\nconveniencies for which it\nhas occasion.'
    >>> print(_)
    The annual labour of every
    nation is the fund which
    originally supplies it with
    all the necessaries and
    conveniencies of life which
    it annually consumes, and
    which consist always either
    in the immediate produce of
    that labour, or in what is
    purchased with that produce
    from other nations.
    According, therefore, as
    this produce, or what is
    purchased with it, bears a
    greater or smaller
    proportion to the number of
    those who are to consume it,
    the nation will be better or
    worse supplied with all the
    necessaries and
    conveniencies for which it
    has occasion.

My questions are:

1. why  `line_length` is set to `current_line_length` initially?
2. In the if clause why `current_line_length` is set back to 0 every time the 
condition is true.
3. Also why that `if` test is required there.

Can anyone help me to understand this program, I am totally confused.


Arup Rakshit


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