DL Neil <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> writes:

> After striking this problem, I was encouraged to take a look at JSON,
> and thence YAML. Once there, as they say, didn't look back!
> - multi-dimensional possibilities, cf .ini
> - similarity/correspondence with Python data structures
> - convenient PSL
> - easily adopted by (power-)users, cf Python code

Those are all true.

Drawbacks for YAML as a configuration format:

* Not implemented in Python standard library.

* Not a single, unambiguous standard which all implementations support
  (this may be one reason for no Python standard library implementation).

Despite those, yes I would very much prefer to use YAML as a
configuration format. (ConfigParser INI format is acceptable. JSON is
definitely not, because it has no simple way to put comments in the

 \              “In the long run, the utility of all non-Free software |
  `\      approaches zero. All non-Free software is a dead end.” —Mark |
_o__)                                                    Pilgrim, 2006 |
Ben Finney


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