On 03/20/2019 07:10 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:
> * Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> [190320 12:00]:
>> 1) https://www.python.org/downloads/ has release information. Based on that
>> you would currently want 3.7.2. Make sure you actually download 3.7.2 and
>> not 3.7.2rc1.
>   Understood. Thanks. Your info is the solution.
I always found maintaining software installed from tarball on a remote
server was difficult at best.

You mentioned it will be on CentOS.  If you have CentOS 7, the EPEL
repository (nearly required by all installations in my opinion), has a
package for Python 3.6, called python36.  The advantage there is that it
will be updated with point releases and kept somewhat secure by your
normal yum update process.

Also you might check out RedHat's Software Collections at
https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/.  They have Python 3.6 in it,
and I imagine 3.7 will be there soon.  Software Collections might not
work for you as it installs to /opt and stays out of the default path.
It's more for developers who want to play with multiple versions of
languages and compilers.


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