On 1/30/19 7:48 AM, Anssi Saari wrote:
> songbird <songb...@anthive.com> writes:
>>   my understanding is that this list is actually 
>> several combined services (i'm not sure how the
>> mailing list operates or how it filters or rejects
>> things) and then there is the usenet list comp.lang.python
>> (which is how i see articles and replies).
> I'm aware but the message was sent to the mailing list and it's the
> mailing list that removes attachments. I suppose some Usenet servers
> might strip or reject articles that look like binaries, don't really
> know. I do think it extremely unlikely a beginner would send a Usenet
> post except maybe via Google Groups but that interface doesn't do
> attachments AFAIK.
> As the mailing list has moderators and they have recently flexed their
> muscles by outright banning people I'm hoping they would stop these
> attachment posts too. This would stop the oft repeated responses that
> attachments are stripped which I find annoying.
Part of the issue is that the software that does the processing isn't
early enough in the mail queue to actually 'reject' the mail, but can
only create a 'bounce back' message. The problem with bounce messages is
that they go to who the message says is the sender, not necessarily to
who the actual sender was, so create a back-scatter issue.

The list software also does a lot more than just strip attachments, it
appears that it also strips out (or maybe converts) html formatted
messages and just passes on plain text messages. As someone who runs
another list using the same software, a LOT of people don't understand
this restriction and a far portion of the messages to the list are sent
as HTML formatted, so rejecting rather than just stripping these would
make a lot of people unhappy/confused. A lot of people also have little
graphic included in their base message as signatures, etc, that
naturally get stripped out in the conversion to plain text.

Richard Damon


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