Hi all, I'm trying to build 3.7.1 from source and having trouble with libffi and _ctypes. I'm on linux and have installed libffi also from source to a custom location:
$HOME/opt/lib64/libffi.so.6.0.4 $HOME/opt/lib64/libffi.a $HOME/opt/lib64/libffi.la $HOME/opt/lib64/libffi.so.6 $HOME/opt/lib64/libffi.so $HOME/opt/lib/pkgconfig/libffi.pc $HOME/opt/lib/libffi-3.2.1/include/ffi.h $HOME/opt/lib/libffi-3.2.1/include/ffitarget.h $HOME/opt/share/info/libffi.info I have no idea why the installation is somewhat scattered, these are the default locations that were created by ./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt of the source libffi. In any case, just to be sure, I've copied the header files to $HOME/opt/include/ffi.h $HOME/opt/include/ffitarget.h Looks like pkg-config works as intended: [fetch@fetch opt]$ pkg-config --libs libffi -L/home/fetch/opt/lib/../lib64 -lffi [fetch@fetch opt]$ pkg-config --cflags libffi -I/home/fetch/opt/lib/libffi-3.2.1/include And as far as I know pkg-config is used by python's configure script so everything should be fine. I also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/fetch/opt/lib:/home/fetch/opt/lib64 and also C_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/fetch/opt/include And still I get Failed to build these modules: _ctypes from make when I try to build python 3.7.1 Also tried adding --with-system-ffi to ./configure but that didn't help either. Does anyone have an idea what's wrong? I've seen some related bug reports, e.g. https://bugs.python.org/issue35170 but these were typically solved by the OP installing libffi from the repository of his/her distro. Note that in my case I must compile libffi from source. Any ideas? Thanks a lot, Daniel -- Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list