On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 12:26 PM Brian Christiansen
<brian_christi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this follow up to my original message will even be seen
> because of all the spam advertising e-books that at least from the
> titles appear to have nothing to do with python.

It's easy enough to see the important information on the mailing list
(python-list@python.org). The ads you mention don't come through to

> I downloaded and installed matplotlib.  At first I was a bit worried
> because I have seem to have 3 libraries that contain python "include"
> files: /usr/lib/python/python27, .../python3, and .../python35, and it
> at least appeared to install it into the python3 directory, but my IDE
> uses 3.5.  Well I did some of the tutorials that are on YouTube, and it
> seems to work fine.

The best way to install Python packages is using pip. Whatever it is
you do to run Python, just add "-m pip" and you then have pip, acting
on the same installation. For instance, I can type "python3 -m pip
install matplotlib", or "python3.7 -m pip install matplotlib" to
install into Python 3.7 (as opposed to my default Python, which is

> Matplotlib makes the very simple plots that I wish to make in just a few
> statements, (scatter plot, etc.), but to make them into representations
> of PI, each dot on the scatter plot or whatever has to be a different
> color: point 1 is color(3), point 2 is color(1), point 3 is color(4),
> etc.  I am not sure if matplotlib is able to make each dot in the
> scatterplot or whatever a differnt color in the single staement that
> makes to plot, or if a loop has to be set up to draw each of the dots
> individually in a different color, but I think it will work and with
> relatively simple code.

Not sure, but I think it will be easy enough.


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