"srinivasan" wrote in message
As still I am newbie and learning python, I am trying to reuse the
Bluetoothctl wrapper in Python from the link (
https://gist.github.com/egorf/66d88056a9d703928f93) I am using python3.6
version, In pycharm editor on the bold highlighted code snippets I see the
error message "Python version 3.6 does not support this syntax.",
Could you please how help me how the below highlighted lines of code can
can be ported to python3.6 version?
* except BluetoothctlError, e:*
* print(e)*
* return None*
Here is a quick, untested, reply. If it does not work for you, please post
again with the output.
The correct syntax for Python 3.x is
except BluetoothctlError as e:
The line 'print(e)' should then work.
In the line 'return None', it may be complaining that None is superfluous -
a plain 'return' does the same thing.
Frank Millman