On 11/19/2018 9:08 AM, Iwo Herka wrote:
Hello everyone,
I've been looking for something in the documentation
(https://docs.python.org/3.8/reference/datamodel.html) recently
and I've noticed something weird. Documentation states that every
object has a value, but doesn’t provide any definition
whatsoever of what the value is.
Python is a language for manipulating information stored in Python
objects. Abstractly, object values are the mostly implementation- and
even language-independent information that we wish to manipulate. Note
that concrete types are somewhat implementation dependent and ids are
implementation and session dependent.
Bools represent binary choices, not 'truth' per se. We call the choices
'True' and 'False' because that (with or without capitals) is the
default binary choice in propositional logic. For numbers, 0 versus not
0 is often an important choice. Ditto for 'empty' versus 'not empty'
for collections.
Terry Jan Reedy