After changing PATH variable; are you ensuring that the failed hosts are using the new PATH vs the old one? I've seen different behavior on different Windows versions for what it takes to "refresh" the env. System vs User defined env may also affect this, depending on the user invoking your program (windows versions have different behaviors from my experience)
Also may depend on 32 vs 64 bit? But sounds like this isn't the issue. Also seen issues related to having the same Visual Studio files on client machines as was used to compile the version of python your distributing. Just a few thoughts. On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 4:11 PM Thomas Jollans <> wrote: > On 12/11/2018 17:40, Juan Cristóbal Quesada wrote: > > Hello, > > this is my first mail. I resorted to the list after some prior > struggling. > > Welcome! > > > Im facing the need to distribute a python installation folder and > > interpreter in a shared network drive. > > > > Im also distributing the application's source code that would lie also in > > another network drive. > > > > For this, my attempts have gone towards replicating the python > installation > > folder created after installing python27 in one machine and copy all the > > files and directories to the network drive. After that, copied the > > python27.dll of the C:/Windows/System32 file and set all the > > Python27/lib;Python27/DLLs/Python27/Scripts....... to the PATH > environment > > variable through a launcher script. > > I assume you have a good reason to want to use an old version of Python... > > > > > This works on my machine and a couple others....BUT, not in some other > > machines running as well windows 10 pro..... > > In what way does it not work? Is there an error message? > > > So i investigated a bit and > > discovered that if i install the python27 (2.7.11 same version) in one of > > those failing machines... the "ctypes.pyd" module's filesize is > > different.... So i replaced the original python27 folders with those of > the > > new installed python and now it works on those machines..........havent > > tried yet if it still works on the first ones... > > > > Why is this behaviour? Im guessing the python27 installer generates some > > dlls "on the fly" that are tied to the windows operating > system........... > > > > I dont want to create a windows executable via py2exe or > > pyinstaller.......... What are the best steps to make a python > interpreter > > available to all windows based different machines? Am i missing something > > else? What are the steps the python windows installer performs in order? > > I have no idea what the installer is doing here, but you > could try one of the other Python distributions (e.g. miniconda)... > MAYBE you'll have more luck with that (Or ActivePython, or WinPython, or > whatever). > > > -- Thomas > -- > > -- *Pablo Lucena* --