Hi Olivier

I am glad you did not trigger an editor war. I don't know how familiar you are
with emacs. The answer depends alot on your preference and future work. Emacs
and vi have been around for a long time for good reasons.
If you prefer an extensible and futureproof editor, I can wholeheartedly
recommend emacs or vi. I went from a happy emacs user to an even happier
spacemacs user. Spacemacs is a batteries-included emacs configuration which
lets you choose between emacs-like or vi keybindings, which are mnemonic,
efficient, consistent, and, above all, discoverable. Discoverability allows a
person who has been using something for a while to find out even more tricks
in the moment that those tricks would be useful. Spacemacs has tons of bells
and whistles and still manages to be fast (through lazy configuration

If you are looking at literate programming, Jupyter Notebooks are hard to
beat, especially if you want to share code with novices. In case you want a
medusa that eats everything else for lunch, look further. Such a beast can be
harnessed with org-mode, an emacs mode which can be just about anything you
want it to be. You can do literate devops, literate programming, mix
programming languages, export to your grandma's toaster, and feed the dog with
org-mode, if you want to play. Org-mode's syntax and power is unmatched, to my

That all depends on how far down the rabbit hole you want to dive. Emacs with
pdb is pretty good though. To get the functionality you miss is pretty simple
with spacemacs.  For more information and platform-specific instructions,
please see the following link.


The basic template already activates python support.

That's my two cents.


On Sun, 2018-11-11 at 08:45 -0600, Spencer Graves wrote:
>        People rave about Jupyter Notebooks, which reportedly allow you 
> to mix narrative with code describing what you are doing and why.
>        I primarily program in R, and RMarkdown Documents in RStudio 
> allow me to mix narrative with R and Python code.  I explain what I'm 
> doing and why, then write "```{python}" ... "```" to encapsulate a 
> Python code snippet and "```{r}" ... "```" for an R code snippet. Or I 
> just use the Idle editor that comes with Python.
>        Someone suggested that Apache Zeppelin  and / or BeakerX might be 
> able to do this also, but I've not tried or verified them.
>        Spencer Graves
> On 2018-11-11 08:11, Andrew Z wrote:
> > If you do scripts - emacs/vi is the way to go.
> > If you need something more (like creating libraries,  classes) go with
> > pycharm. It is a professionally made IDE.
> > 
> > Over past 2 years ive been trying to "downgrade" myself to something with
> > less belts and whistles,  but come back to it all the time.
> > 
> > On the other hand , if you already use emacs - u should not need anything
> > else.
> > 
> > On Sun, Nov 11, 2018, 04:15 Olive <diolu.remove_this_p...@bigfoot.com wrote:
> > 
> > > I am not a professional programmer but I use Python regularly for custom
> > > scripts (and plot with matplotlib). I have just learned VBA for Excel: 
> > > what
> > > I found amazing was their editor: it is able to suggest on the spot all 
> > > the
> > > methods an object support and there is a well-integrated debugger. I 
> > > wonder
> > > if something similar exists for Python. For now I just use emacs with the
> > > command line pdb. What do people use here? Ideally I would like to have
> > > something that is cross platform Windows/Linux.
> > > 
> > > Olivier
> > > 
> > > --
> > > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> > > 

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