Greetings Hemant! On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 10:31 AM Hemant Chauhan <> wrote: > > Hi team, > I’m having trouble in installing pyperclip module through command line. > I just upgraded to the latest version. > Here’s the SS of command line showing error.
Unfortunately this is a text only mailing list, which disallows attachments. So no one will see your screenshot. Instead you should copy and paste into a *plain text* email what you entered on the command line and likewise copy and paste the resulting error messages into the email. Please state your operating system and version of Python that you are using. With that information I am sure someone here will be able to help you. > P.S. – I’m a beginner in Python , it’s the first programming language I > started with. If you are just starting out, a better forum for a new learner to programming and Python would be the Python Tutor mailing list. Subscription information can be found at However, people on the this main list are quite friendly and helpful to newbies as well. In fact many here actively monitor and help out on the Tutor list. -- boB --