hello, :)
my question is below, a bit of background first. i'm very new to python and picking it up by working on a project for fun. please don't critique my style or lack of classes/objects in the code yet - i'm way too new. :) my current project is at: https://salsa.debian.org/ant-guest/gfpoken-in-python/ https://salsa.debian.org/ant-guest/gfpoken-in-python/tree/next i'm using pyglet (most recent version) and gtk... in Debian Linux testing. my question is that in on_animation_end in the my_sprite.py class doesn't seem to work as i'd expect. i never reach: print ("Do we Ever get here?") statement. and i'm curious if i've just messed up something obvious here or if my problem is elsewhere? i don't really quite understand subclasses/super yet so perhaps i've abused it? the overall issue is that i'm trying to turn off and on the animation and while i can do it in code like below i haven't yet been able to figure out how to get that into my other code... thanks for your input/consideration. :) p.s. if you don't know the game gfpoken it is in debian/linux and it is a mirror puzzle game. the man page is there. i haven't written help screen or directions yet, but you click on things to the right and place them on the grid on the left until the output of the animation matches the colored arrows. it is mostly done other than some directions, checking the boards for matching/winning, winning game screen and help. just trying to iron this issue out... ===== import pyglet marble_roll_image = pyglet.image.load('green_marbles.png') marble_seq = pyglet.image.ImageGrid(marble_roll_image, 1, 16) anim = pyglet.image.Animation.from_image_sequence(marble_seq, 0.1, True) marble_anim_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(anim) window = pyglet.window.Window() def test_off (dt, sprite): pyglet.clock.unschedule(sprite._animate) def test_on (dt, sprite): pyglet.clock.schedule(sprite._animate) pyglet.clock.schedule_once(test_off, 5, marble_anim_sprite) pyglet.clock.schedule_once(test_on, 10, marble_anim_sprite) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() marble_anim_sprite.draw() @marble_anim_sprite.event def on_animation_end (): print ("on_animation_end ") pyglet.app.run() ===== songbird -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list