On Oct 27, 2018 9:20 AM, "Musatov" <tomusa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am wondering if Python could be used to write a program that allows:
> 1. Highlight some text
> 2. Ctl+HOTKEY1 stores the string of text somewhere as COPIEDTEXT1
> 3. Highlight another string of text
> 4. Ctl+HOTKEY1 stores another string of text somewhere as COPIEDTEXT2
> 5. Ctl+HOTKEY2 pastes COPIEDTEXT1
> 6. Ctl+HOTKEY2 pastes COPIEDTEXT2

What operating system are you using? If it is Windows I recommend you take
a look at a program called autohotkey.
> I found "pyperclip" and "Tkinter" but I don't know where to start.
> Thanks,
> Musatov
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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