Hi everyone,

I have recently acquired a Logitech Rumble pad to use as an input
device.  I have been having trouble getting the event que to respond
that a button or hat arrow has been pressed.  This is on a system
running OS 10.3.9.

I have modified/written a small piece of code that initializes the
joystick, and pygame does recognize it.  I was wondering if someone has
a small snippet of code to get me going?  I have posted the code I'm
using to initialize the joystick, plus it's output below.

Versions are:

Version checklist:

Python version 2.3 (OK)
extra Python info: (#1, Sep 13 2003, 00:49:11) [GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple
Computer, Inc. build 1495)]
Numeric version 24.0b1 (OK)
PyOpenGL (package "OpenGL") version (OK)
pygame version 1.7.0 (OK)
Python Imaging Library (package "Image") version 1.1.5 (OK)

any help is appreciated.



[begin code]
import pygame
import pygame.display
import pygame.joystick
from pygame.locals import *


pygame.joystick.init() #initialize joystick module
pygame.joystick.get_init() #verify initialization (boolean)

joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count()#get number of joysticks
print('%d joystick(s) connected' %joystick_count)#print number

joystick_object = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
#create an instance of a joystick
#first joystick is [0] in the list
#haven't had much luck with multiple joysticks

print joystick_object.get_name()
#grab joystick name - flightstick, gravis...
#can (and is in this case) be done before initialization


#verify initialization (maybe cool to do some
#error trapping with this so game doesn't crash

num_axes = joystick_object.get_numaxes()
num_buttons = joystick_object.get_numbuttons()

print 'Joystick has %d axes and %d buttons' %(num_axes,num_buttons)

#necessary for os to pass joystick events

xaxis = joystick_object.get_axis(0)
yaxis = joystick_object.get_axis(1)
wheel = joystick_object.get_axis(2)
trigger = joystick_object.get_button(0)
top = joystick_object.get_button(1)
#from above, you have number of axes and buttons
#could assign more if your joystick has more

print '%f %f %f %d %d' %(xaxis, yaxis, wheel, trigger, top)
#print values to console for debugging
#analog channels (axes) range -1 to 1
#digital channels (buttons) are 1 or 0

#destroy objects and clean up

[begin output]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 16:10:26]$ python testjoy.py
1 joystick(s) connected
Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
Joystick has 4 axes and 12 buttons
-1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 0 0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 16:10:32]$ 



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