On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 10:13:07 -0700 (PDT), Nick Berg wrote: [snip] > > May i ask how you managed to send an email with a domain > nowhere.invalid ? I would like to do the same.
I don't post by sending email, I post by using a news client (slrn), which interacts with the Usenet system (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_client), a largely decentralized news-sharing system that dates from the 1970's (I think) and works through the use of a somewhat casual network of servers that circulate messages among themselves. In contrast (if I read your headers right), you read and post by using Google Groups, a newfangled invention that we fossils from the days of gods and giants consider lame and hostile to efficient organization, and we suspect that prolonged use results in an inability to hoist one's trousers above one's buttocks and a tendency to use interrogatory intonation on declarative sentences. -- To email me, substitute nowhere->runbox, invalid->com. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list